KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Name: Enhancing new age skills for adults
Project aimed to promote the use of ICT in combination with soft skills techniques in the adult learning focusing on ICT tools for distance learning, on the basis of exchanging good practices between the partners and in response to the priorities of the Programme. The main objective of this partnership was to develop an educational guide for a course with a focus on Soft skills for adults in order to bring them back to the labour market. The proposed course is based on good distance learning and teaching practices and is the outcome of the combination of methodologies deriving from the multidisciplinary approach of the members of the partnership as well as from the experience gained during the teaching in the various participating countries.
Objectives are:
- enhancing focus on Soft skills for Adults in the processes of learning, teaching, training at various levels: promoting access to and learning through OER; supporting ICT-based teaching, training, as well as ICT-based assessment practices. Supporting teachers, trainers, educational staff in acquiring or improving the use of ICT for learning and related digital competences;
- developing adult educators’ competences to deal with diversified groups of learners, make use of new technologies for better outreach and teaching outcomes;
- improving and extending the offer of high quality learning opportunities tailored to individual adult learners, including through innovative ways of outreach and delivery;
This project will help educators, trainers with an open innovation online guide for:
- Develop a new approach to adult education and training which focuses on learning outcomes and learner responsibility and autonomy.
- Encourage the development of effective lifelong guidance systems, as well as integrated systems for the validation of non-formal and informal learning.
- Ensure flexible arrangements adapted to different training needs of adults, including in-company training and workplace-based learning.
- Developing mechanisms for ensuring that educational provision better reflects labour market needs and that it provides possibilities for acquiring qualifications and developing new skills which increase people’s capacity to adapt to the new requirements of a changing environment.
- Promoting the acquisition of transversal key competences, such as learning to learn,
- Making better use of ICT in the context of adult learning, as a means of widening access and improving the quality of provision
Projects needs to be realized transnationally in order to have a wide impact in Europe and to cope the distance among countries in which ICT education is well developed to those countries that has less experience in this field. The transnational partnership allows to mix a variety of expertise that is an add value. All transnational meetings enabled partners to share and evaluate good practices, and to develop innovative educational approaches in teaching ICT for adult learners.
- Develop the Soft Skills guide that support the development of content, services, methodologies and practice in the adult distance learning on the ICT-basis;
- Create a successful relationship between the partner organizations;
- Raise cultural awareness during the meetings;
- Exchange ideas and know-how across the partner organizations
Trainings/ Meetings and Multiplayer events:
M1 First transnational meeting
Struga, Macedonia
M2 Second transnational meeting
Barcelos Portugal
M3 Third transnational meeting
Madrid Spain
C1 Training course in Macedonia
Struga, Macedonia
M4 Fourth transnational meeting
Sofia, Bulgaria
C2 Training course in Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria
M5 Fifth transnational meeting
Struga, Macedonia
Date: 07-09 August 2020
2 participants per country. Coordination meeting.