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Association "Integra Bulgaria"

Association "Integra Bulgaria" is an NGO registered under the NGO Law in 2012. Its mission is to connect people at all levels and backgrounds and to develop in them qualities of successful social and economic integration in society, based on their own resources. We believe that in everyone there is striving for their own well-being, personal and professional development and we work forthey change because we believe that people should achieve the results they deserve.
Our motto is: Improving the human potential for successful integration. See more here:

The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee

The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee was established on 14 July 1992 as an independent non-governmental organisation for the protection of human rights. 

The objectives of the committee are to promote respect for the human rights of every individual, to stimulate legislative reform to bring Bulgarian legislation in line with international human rights standards, to trigger public debate on human rights issues, to carry out advocacy for the protection of human rights, and to popularise and make widely available human rights instruments.

Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants (BCRM)

The Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants (BCRM) was founded in 2005 by the Bulgarian Red Cross, the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and Caritas-Bulgaria as a platform of their activities related to the refugee and migration policy, protection and integration of refugees and migrants.  In 2007, the Association for Integration of Refugees and Migrants joined the BCRM. The BCRM, as an association of organisations of longstanding experience and professional competency has the capacity to influence and support the social transformation towards efficient protection and integration of refugees and migrants. 

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Bulgarian Red Cross

The first Red Cross organizations was established in the Principality and in East Rumelia as early as 1878. A Sofia Regional Organization for Helping the Sick and Wounded with chairman the Sofia mitropolit Miletii was created in May in Sofia. A number of prominent citizens of the city of Sofia were recruited and worked for it headed by the regional governor Mr. V. P. Alabin. 

Centre Immigration and Integration

Centre Immigration and Integration is a non-profit organization in public benefit, registered with a donation by its founders. CII pursues the achievement of the following objectives:

  • development and introduction of complex, innovative and interdisciplinary educational, scientific and cultural programmes, related with the advancement of the civil society in Bulgaria and increased civic participation in the policy-making process;

  • study and assistance of the social integration and personal realization of young people and persons in vulnerable socio-economic condition, including ethnic minorities, refugees and migrants;

  • development and implementation of contemporary forms and approaches for protection of the human rights of refugees and migrants, fight against racism and xenophobia, development of intercultural dialogue and integration;

  • study of the polices related to the cross-border migration of persons and provision of asylum; development of concepts, strategies and models for their updating and upgrading in line with the world processes and the membership of Bulgaria in the EU;

  • organization and coordination of cooperation initiatives between European organizations in the context of the common EU policy for asylum seekers and migrants;

  • methodological, technical and expert exchange of knowledge and information.


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PRO ASYL was founded in 1986 by members of refugee councils, churches, trade unions, welfare and human rights organisations. They wanted to counteract the rightwing, racist incitement to ill feeling against asylum seekers and to campaign for the protection of victims of persecution. These concerns are just as urgent today.

Our work is made possible by our many sponsors, donors and Foundation members. Thanks to their support we are politically and financially independent. It is important for PRO ASYL to maintain close connections with a strong democratic, humanitarian and human rights-oriented civil society. And every year more and more people support our work for refugees.

Network Migration in Europe

Founded in 2001, the Network Migration regards itself as a platform of scholars and practitioners within the field of migration and integration. Our work interconnects information, education, consultation, research and networking within Europe.

Migrationsrat Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

The MRBB is an umbrella organization coordinating more than seventy self-organised "migrant" initiatives. Beyond characteristics such as origin, religion, sex or sexual orientation, it represents the interests of different groups of people in Berlin and Brandenburg.

The complete legal, social and political equality and participation of migrants and their descendants from different cultural and racial backgrounds is seen as an important social task which is supported with concentrated forces. Being an equitable member of society also means taking over social responsibility. 

KuB (Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen e.V.)

KuB (Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen e.V.) - a contact point and advice centre für refugees and migrants - is a non profit association based in Berlin-Kreuzberg. KuB was established in 1983. We support refugees and migrants from all over the world. We offer free advice services on asylum rights and rights of residence. We also provide assistance with mental health and social problems. We believe that everybody is entitled to a safe residency permit status as well as political, social and economic equality.


GoVolunteer connects projects and initiatives working in refugee relief and integration with people who want to help.

  • For Volunteers – Easily identify where you are needed and register for an integration project with only 1 click

  • For Organizations – Present your projects in an easy-to-understand manner, find suitable volunteers and sponsors, and coordinate your whole volunteer operation through the GoVolunteer community

  • For Corporations – Find out how your company can help and connect with the most impactful projects, in a fast and straightforward way using our platform

Implementing great projects can be that simple!

The Land Refugees' Councils

Die Landesflüchtlingsräte are independent representatives of the refugee organizations, support groups and solidarity initiatives committed in German federal states. Die Landesflüchtlingsräte (The State Refugees Councils) are networked and are members of the Federal Workers' Association for Refugees PRO ASYL. They see it as a governmental task to provide refugees with serious respect for their causes of seeking Refuge and humanitarian needs, generous reception, effective protection, sustainable integration and a self-determined future perspective.


The Center UEBERLEBEN is an umbrella brand of human rights organizations based in Berlin and northern Iraq, working in national and international projects. 
In close cooperation we aim to give refugees, migrants and victims of violence the chance to have a dignified future. 

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Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI).

SBMI or Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) is an organization of migrant workers and members of their families. Established on February 25, 2003, with mission to perform critical education, fighting the right and policies in favor, organizing, build productive economic alternative for Migrant workers, democratic constitutional systems, guaranteed human rights social justice,  anti-discrimination, etc.

Pusat Sumber Daya Buruh Migran.

The Migrant Resource Centres (Migrant Worker Resource Centre) is a service for support or mainstreaming the issue of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BMI) through management of information and knowledge. Through this support, the activists of migrant workers to communicate and exchange information with fellow migrant workers, families, migrant workers associations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government agencies


Established in 1951, this organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.

IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management; which are: Migration and development, Facilitating migration, Regulating migration, Forced migration.

Migrant Care.


The strong movement of migrant workers as part of the social movement to realize global justice


  1. Encouraging the realization of the life of Indonesian migrant workers and their families with dignity, respected by every nation and sovereign ideologically, politically, economically, socially and culturally

  2. Strengthen the global justice perspective

  3. Organizing and strengthening critical awareness of migrant workers and their families about their rights as workers and as citizens

  4. Strengthen networks at various levels: local, national, regional and global for advocacy of pro-migrant policies and implementation

  5. Handling cases and legal aid to migrant workers who suffer injustice and torture or violence

  6. Strengthen organizational capacity and institutional Migrant Care to improve performance and sustainability in accordance with predetermined vision and mission

Solidaritas Perempuan

Solidarity for Women (SP) - Women's Solidarity for Human Rights, is a feminist organization founded on December 10, 1990. Over 25 years, SP works with grassroots women with a vision to create a democratic social order based on the principles of justice, ecological awareness , Respecting pluralism and nonviolence based on an equal system of male and female relations in which both share equitable access and control over natural, social, cultural, economic and political resources.


This organisation supports returning migrants to indonesia. Working with various foundations Seruni support returning migrants to develop financial management skills as well as teaching them skills in business development. The aim of the programme is to support returning migrants to be confident, financially independent and deter them from looking for work outside of the country

Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN)

APRRN was first initiated at the first Asia Pacific Consultation on Refugee Rights (APCRR) held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in November 2008. It has an open and growing network consisting of more than 300 civil society organisations and individuals from over 28 countries committed to advancing the rights of refugees in the Asia Pacific region. APRRN aims to advance the rights of refugees and other people in need of protection through joint advocacy, capacity strengthening, resource sharing and outreach. Prior to the establishment of the Network, groups worked in isolation, within their in their local contexts.

Human Rights Working Group

The reality in society shows that the development of the human rights situation in Indonesia is still going on in various forms offense or crime, both in the context of civil and political rights and in the context of economic, social and cultural. A reflection of the various forms of oppression, slavery, lack of punishment (impunity) for perpetrators of human rights violations, crimes against the environment and natural resources, deprivation of the rights of indigenous peoples, crimes against human rights defenders (human rights defenders), torture and abuses the other, neglect of the rights of migrant workers, violence against women and children, violence against the cult / religious and other minorities, crimes that occur due to corrupt power. In an effort to respond to the issue of human rights are also in 2003 there was about 20 (twenty) institutions that concentrated on issues of human rights set up HRWG (Human Rights Working Group – Indonesian NGO Coalition for International Human Rights Advocacy or Kelompok Kerja Koliasi NGO Indonesia untuk advokasi Internasional Hak Asasi Manusia).

International Detention Coalition

The International Detention Coalition (IDC) is a unique global network, of over 300 civil society organisations and individuals in more than 70 countries, that advocate for, research and provide direct services to refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants affected by immigration detention.

Jakarta Legal Aid Institute

Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum) is providing legal assistance free of charge to the victims of injustice, the poor, the blind legal and oppressed. Working on labor cases, minority and target group, asylum seekers, society and urban and many more. The scope area is in Jakarta, the capital city and around the Jakarta areas.

Jesuit Refugee Service Indonesia (JRS),

JRS mission is to offer holistic human services to forcibly displaced persons. JRS recognises the human dignity in refugees through its accompaniment. JRS is a humanitarian organization which was founded on 14 November 1980 as an answer to the suffering of 'boat people' from Vietnam were on Galang Island. Over the last 30 years, JRS together with all parties concerned, to accompany, serve and defend the rights of refugees both those who are in refugee camps, urban areas as well as in the homes of immigration detention. 

UNHCR Indonesia

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is an agency mandated by the UN to coordinate international actions to protect the rights and well-being of refugees. UNHCR Indonesia is a representative of UNHCR and established since 1979 with headquarter in Jakarta.

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Macedonian Young Lawyers Association

The Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers (MYLA) aims to enhance the contribution of young lawyers in the advancement of the legal profession and the exercise of the rule of law. The association was established in 2003 as a nonprofit professional organization of lawyers, with an initial idea to facilitate and accelerate the professional development of young lawyers graduating from the Faculty of Law, to launch a career in one of law professions. Over the years MYLA has grown into an organization that actively protects human rights and the rule of law using the capacities of young lawyers.

HAYAT - Association for humanitarian purposes

Organizing humanitarian activities like: Helping the elderly and feeble people, Help for orphans , Help for socially endangered families. Assisting sick people and people with special needs, etc. Organizing seminars, debates, tribunes, trainings, competitions and other activities in order to strengthen the capacities of the members of the association. Activities in the field of culture and education with the purpose of getting acquainted, with the local cultural treasures and sights and their proper protection, as well as with various external cultures and traditions from the region and wider. Voluntary participation in activities in the field of blood donation and rescue actions depending on the needs (natural disasters, accidents, etc.). Organizing various sports activities and competitions with the active participation of the members of the Association in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. Activities for increasing the environmental awareness in order to protect and preserve the environment. 

Open Gate - La Strada Macedonia

Open Gate is a leading self-sustained organization in the Republic of Macedonia, acknowledged on both national and international level. It is renowned for its commitment, persistence and professionalism, as well as its focus on the needs and interests of trafficked persons and target groups. The main goal of Open Gate is to invest all their effort and capacity in creating a society freed from inequality, poverty, prejudice and discrimination, violence and trafficking in humans, and to build a place where people’s rights are widely respected and all citizens are given equal opportunities for socio-economic independence.

Macedonian Red Cross

Since june 2015 the Red Cross is present on field dealing with the migrant crisis in 3 phases. The first phase is the period where the mobile teams were active on field on the roads in Gevgelija, Demir Kapija, Veles, Kumanovo, Tabanovce. With announcement of the migrant crisis in Macedonia, from July 2015 started the second phase began with two transit center were open in Vinojug Gevgelija and Tabanovce Kumanovo. The red cross teams were active 24 hours both in boarding centers with 4 mobile teams in each center. ( 8 teams both ) Every team includes a doctor, 2 paramedics, driver, logistic people and distribution, and 1 translator as well. In that transit period between 7000-8000 migrants to transit in one day. Each of them has been registered at the Center in Macedonia and has 72 hours to stay and decide to ask for asylum or to leave the country. Red cross covers food hygienic and medical support for them. The third phase started with closing the both transit centers, from the 19 of February where the migrants stayed closed in the two transit centers. Red cross still goes on supporting the people with medical and humanitarian help. At the moment in Gevgelija there are 80 migrants and in the Tabanovce center around 100. During the transit time the average in one day were between 500-600 assistance and interventions. Currently there are around 100 interventions. Starting from open wounds, bleeding, fractures to specific injuries, electricity shock, allergies, seizures, etc. Humanitarian help includes clean water and clothes, blankets baby products, hygiene packages, etc.

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