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This project aimed to improve the practices for social inclusion and participation while addressing the topics of migrations from the perspectives of Europe and Indonesia. Our aim has been to inspire the partners and wider stakeholders to reflect on the situation for migrant groups in and out of their countries, as well as enthusing them to continue developing projects within this field.

The project within itself has pushed the participants to research, learn and develop their own tools and competencies on the best practices of working with migrants and refugees, supporting the feelings of empathy and showcasing a wider global picture. As a result participants have learned about the interconnectedness of such challenges, while also learning about what is particular to a certain country's context.

Inclusion and participation is a core principle of non-formal education and something youth workers and youth educators must be knowledgeable on. The project has aimed to share comparative case studies and practices from 4 countries across Europe and Asia. The intention is that this publications serves as a source of information for youth workers and educators to learn from, and to inform their practice when engaging and working with such marginalised groups.  

Throughout the span of this project we conducted training courses and seminars which engaged learners through a variety of participatory pedagogical techniques that inspired the learners and demonstrated good practices in non-formal education. Our intention has been to inspire educators for all the countries engaged and share best practice tools in this method. Our hope now is that these tools and methods will be used in these countries and further projects will result.  

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